Microbiological Analysis of Water, Soil and Food

The water is an essential constituent of life. Safe drinking water is a basic human right. The contamination of water bodies with various pathogenic microbiological and chemical agents is an alarming situation. There are numerous kinds of water purifiers available in the market at a high cost. The purified water may have lost essential micro-elements. Therefore, it is essential to make microbiological assessment of water, because microorganisms are most important contaminant of water and cause of several water related gastrointestinal and related diseases. We provide complete analysis for microbiological and physicochemical analysis of Water.

The balanced microorganisms in the soil are necessary for better crop yield. We provide microbiological analysis of soil for optimum utilization of resource for crop productivity.

The food must be free from any kind of pathogenic microorganism. Sometimes the food borne bacterial pathogen may cause a serious problem. We provide the service for efficient and specific detection of food borne pathogen in any type of food material.

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